Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Disaster in My Running Fitness

It was a continuous 2 weekends running disaster for me over last 2 weeks. While I'm too focusing on my cycling fitness and swimming over the pass 3 months, I've totally neglected my running power.

I should have noticed it when I ran the last 10km during the A Famosa Triathlon 08 where I was overtaken by many not so good runners even including some old fellows, again!!! The follwing week was the New Balance 15km run where I haven't ran that much of hilly run before, I was stunned when I knew that I still need to go behind BNM before reaching another small sloops reaching the finishing line. I was totally ran out of gas at that run.

No training = tu lan while running

I was so dissapointed with the run and started training on the following Monday which was Wesak Day. And came on Wednesday night, Don asked my to join him for PD Half Marathon run last Sunday, I thought of giving it a try as a training and would probably improve my running fitness on it. To my surprise, I was totally wrong, I was not prepared for that distance at all, I was hit to the ground at 14km, walked all the way back to finishing area with head down.

I knew I've to changed my training plan onwards now. I'll be focusing more on the run legs while not ignoring the importance of cycling as well. My next race should be Kenyir Lake Triathlon 08 in July. Ultimate goal this year is to finish the Desaru Half Ironman in Aug 08!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Focus On legs works

I was playing badminton with my company staff prior to my swimming session last night. Feeling good on court and surprisingly felt not so taxing during the swimming workout in Chin Woo. That reminds me how I strengthened my legs muscles last year prior to PD Triatlon 2007 where I hit my PB.

Looked sufferring after the swim leg last year in PD Triathlon, but managed to get PB :)

It's been 3 months after returning from Papua New Guinea where I had badminton as my only sport those days.

Papua New Guinea Badminton gang, standing 4th from left is Uncle Chan, he is already 70+ yrs old and still can play well !

Running a 15KM New Balance Run this Sunday, hope to push for it if possible.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Famosa Triathlon (Melaka) 11th May, 2008

This is the first Triathlon in Malaysia for the year 2008 where most of the Malaysia Triathletes already brushed up their skills towards the new season.

Mr.Chan, Main Organiser for Triathlon Malaysia

I've been back to normal training in the early of March after suffering feet injury called Plantar fascia which is the connective tissues supporting the arch of the foot. I got back in training on my cycling leg first when my foot injury is being healed by doctor. I got to cycle 1 hour for almost 3-4 times a week on a trainer and that training really paid off for me.
During the cycling trainings with Mr.Chan and Chin Woo, I finally managed to follow the front pack and feel strong after that. While my swimming is back to full swing as well where Mark from Melbourne joined us in March.

Mark, a tall guy from Melbourne

I hardly run a 10k during my training and that really spell out when come the last leg of A Famosa Triathlon this year.
The swim was approximately 1700m with 2 loops in the lake where the water is not really that bad as others used to described. I was out from the water after the first 3 main groups with the time of 27 min 55 secs. My nephew and niece with uncle and aunts were there to cheer for me as well. It's a good feeling as some familiar faces/sounds being heard after the swim as a good motivation to move faster.
My Nephew Kai wen, and Niece Sin Yee
My wife managed to caught me during my swim

I saw Cecil was buckling up his helmet b4 leaving T1 and soon Simon was following me. I managed to leave T1 b4 Simon but didn't able to follow his pace as he is pushing real hard to catch Cecil. I was drafted on and off before Sam came with Randy. I follow them towards the U Turn and all the way saw the accident happened to a Singaporean girl and 2 other triathletes who after the race only I knew was Krisnanh. Heard that the another guy's collar bone was broken and the girls was suffering from a serious wounds on her back. We mananged to cycled in a group of 5 before we met Stephanie half way where she seemed to be having relax cycling. She jumped on us but was eventually dropped from us and until the last big hill before turning into A Famosa, I was dropped by the pack and cycling alone back in T2.
Leaving T1 with strong determination on big leg

My legs just didn't react after the cycle not because of pushing to much on the bike but just merely I don't feel good at running after neglected it for so long. I think I was passed by more than 50 triathletes on the run legs. I was ways ahead of Carmen, Chee, Ah Sui and Lexter. Only Lexter was behind me when I finished the race on Sunday. I must admit that even though I feel strong on swim and cycling legs now, I still need to improve further on my run leg if I need to improve my PB.

Was pushed during the last 30m towards finishing, happy it's over finally :)
My wife n me posing in front of the finishing gate.

Next race should be in Kenyir Triathlon in July 2008. See u there :)