Ex-USM Lifeguard Wedding Dinner
It was WAN Shafiza's weddding on the 12th July held at Sheraton Hotel Subang. There were ex-USM lifeguards travelling as far as Penang and some flew from Singapore just to share the joy moment with Wan:)

Raja Sehari - Pengantin baru :)

Group photo

The gals/ladies group

The boys/men Group

Happy Group Photo on the stage !
I actually went for long ride the next morning from Cheras to Ulu Langat. Started from my house at 7am and returning home at 12.30pm!! The sun is laughing at me when I'm cycling up Ampang Hill where I think that's the moment my heartbeat reaching 202bpm!!! It was more than my max HR. But I was satisfied with the ride and will do it again this coming weekend as my preparation for the Desaru Half-Ironman 08 on 16th Aug 08.
Next update will be my race report on yesterday PD Triathlon 08.
Wah, gila... Really or not? Is it safe for your heart rate to reach that high?
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