Disaster in My Running Fitness
It was a continuous 2 weekends running disaster for me over last 2 weeks. While I'm too focusing on my cycling fitness and swimming over the pass 3 months, I've totally neglected my running power.
I should have noticed it when I ran the last 10km during the A Famosa Triathlon 08 where I was overtaken by many not so good runners even including some old fellows, again!!! The follwing week was the New Balance 15km run where I haven't ran that much of hilly run before, I was stunned when I knew that I still need to go behind BNM before reaching another small sloops reaching the finishing line. I was totally ran out of gas at that run.

No training = tu lan while running
I was so dissapointed with the run and started training on the following Monday which was Wesak Day. And came on Wednesday night, Don asked my to join him for PD Half Marathon run last Sunday, I thought of giving it a try as a training and would probably improve my running fitness on it. To my surprise, I was totally wrong, I was not prepared for that distance at all, I was hit to the ground at 14km, walked all the way back to finishing area with head down.
I knew I've to changed my training plan onwards now. I'll be focusing more on the run legs while not ignoring the importance of cycling as well. My next race should be Kenyir Lake Triathlon 08 in July. Ultimate goal this year is to finish the Desaru Half Ironman in Aug 08!!!
Haha! You gila... Where can use half marathon as a way to "improve fitness" wan? It's suicide la...
I'm concentrating on 10k races for now. I wanna be a 10k specialist before I graduate to the half marathon.
Last time, I ran one 10k race. After that, I terus do half marathon. I got burnt out. Stopped running for a long, long time.
Sudah tahu salah, jangan ulang lagi. Buat pembetulan... :)
hahaha, as I told u, this is the mind set of extraordinary people doing extraordinary things like ironman event la...there is no right or wrong things, but just pain or comfortable during the race :)
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