***Desaru Half Ironman 2008, 16th Aug***
This was my first ever Half Ironman race in my life!! I've been targeting to complete this since last year but just couldn't do it due to work commitment last year.
After my long overseas trips with no proper training for almost half a year, I was in terrible shape for triathlon until Feb 08. I determined to start with a proper scheduling training with the focus to complete this Desaru Half Ironman since Feb 08 :)
So far before the race, I've improved on my swimming skills, cycling skills and running techniques as well. I've applied visa (permission) from my wife to allow me to focus on my training once I'm free from my work, which make me seldom returning back to Melaka to play around with my nephews and nieces :(
We travel down to Desaru from KL on Friday morning with me driving my wife down to Melaka, before I met up with my Chin Woo gangs to have chicken rice balls lunch before heading down to Desaru, Johor
The journey is very long indeed and luckily we have a full stomach before we left Melaka. It took around 3.5hours to reach Desaru from Melaka. I followed Mr.Lee's car with his 2 kids along and we chatted and felt optimise about the next day race ahead. I was so concern about the high temperature which might 'bake' me during the run or even the cycling legs. As compare to previous years, all our Chin Woo's members who returned after Desaru Half Ironman race surely will got their back / shoulders burn like "overcooked kuih balu" :) I kept on reminding myself to take my time during the transition to apply as much sunblock as possible as HC is worrying about my skin health :)

Relaxing and watching Olympics Badminton Semi-final match in Maybank Desaru Apartments
After we've registered and took our race goodies from the counter, we checked in to Maybank Desaru Apartments which is just 1km from the race starting point. I've booked this facility from the bank as to keep my cost low. Later in the evening, we enjoyed some Olympics games on Astro and watched Lee Choong Wei's semifinal match against Lee Hyun Ill, before heading to a fishing village for a carbo loading dinner.

4 power gels and 1 power bar as the main sources of energy during Half Ironman race
I was praying in my heart that the weather will be fine for me not to walk during the run leg. I drink a lot of fluids prior to the race day just to hydride myself up as lessons learned over the past races. I've had a dream during the night with my whole body sweated as I dreamed of the race day is raining during the run!! hahaha....funny to found out when I woke up in mid night :) and surprisingly it was raining during the run, hahaha......

From left: Jason,Don Cecil,me and Sharom - lining up for the hot day ahead
On Saturday morning, after having a bowl of mee with a egg, we cycled towards the transition area to make ourselves ready for the big day!! The sun is high up in the sky in the morning at around 8am. As a first timer to Desaru, I found that the sea water there was clean but choppy. The waves there is suitable for surfing! I did a warm up swim, heading just 50m out the sea to feel how to strategize myself later. I knew I've to do head up swim more frequent as I don't wanna lost my direction and precious time in the wavily sea water.

Pro Triathletes - they said they are pro, look pro, but not so pro as I think :(

Can you see how shining is the sea water?
3,2,1....boom!! All the triathletes dashing towards the choppy seas!! I was running like others and plunged into the nice cool water with almost 1000 participants :) What a good experience for an open water swim :) Due to the strong waves, most of the swimmers were pushed together and I'd a tough time in battled with the rest who were swimming near me. I knew that first thing to protect was my face, I did head up swam, breaststroke, kicking the people around me and of cos being pushed or pulled many times. Only after the 500m out in the seas then I found my rythms. I tried to swim at my pace with Michael Phelps strokes in my heads. To my surprise, I'm touching a pro-triahtles towards the first loops of swimming. Wow....am I that fast, or he was just being trapped by others just now? I just got no time to figure it out at that moment, I knew I need to keep my pace. After 2 loops of swimming - 2k swim, I was among the front swimmers to emerged from water as I heard others saying "Wah Kun, u swam very fast ler...." , em....sound nice to hear that but if I can hear them saying "Kun, u run very fast liao ar!!!" , then will be more satisfying for me :) I had a great swim that day even though with strong current and waves, managed to finish the 2k swim in 42min59sec ahead of most of my friends from Chin Woo :)

This is the pro who I touched his feet few times

I looked pro, am I? hahaha....
Coming in to T1, I put on my cycling gloves as to have a comfort grip on my aerobar. I applied lots of sunblocks on my body parts where ever I can reach. Right after the first turning, Don and Cecil had passed through me. As planned, I will complete my Half Ironman race according to my heart rate monitor, advised from friends and internet research. I tried to keep my HR at 155bpm and cycling with less stress on my legs. The cycling legs required 3 loops of 30km cycling which covered lots of hills with lots of head winds during the course. This was a non-drafting race and I told myself I've to complete this race with head up. There were many triathletes drafted each others during the cycling loops, I really looked down on them, they are rellying on others to finish the 90km, what a shame....cheaters :( I've prepared myself for it and did a 160km cycling to Lukut 2 weeks prior to this race and I felt confident on the saddle :)

Carmen tailing behind me while finishing 60km, still feeling good although under hot sun for 2 hours ++
During the first 2 loops, the are numerous triathletes passing on my right. I just keep reminding myself no to be emotional, stick to my race strategy with my HR below 155bpm. Coming for the 3rd loops, after 2hours plus grueling cycling under hot sun, the cycling leg based on my race strategy paid off. I started passing others with my cycling speed still maintained at my comfort level. Some even stopped by the road side to massage their thighs as a result of silly mistakes they made in the previous loops."Hey man, this is not OD race, this is Half Ironman race, don't do the stupid things if you haven't tried it before, u r killing urself!! ". I even felt a bit happy deep in my heart when I saw this scenario, as I know if I were did the same in the earlier cycling part, I would end up DNF for the race even!! I came hear to finish the race, not to see others crossing the finishing line!!
God started to sympathy on us and sprikle us with his holy water during the last loop of cyling legs. I felt so relieve and looking forwards for a comfort run leg. After the 90km ride, I was hoping my leg will response well enough after the sweats I'd put in so far during the trainings. The sun was still up high in the sky while I was in T2, I just reapplied sunblocks on my limbs and shoulders as the sun really "fierce" on tat day. Some more we were racing near to the beach, I knew I'll become "Ane" after race :)

Looked fresh and happy coming out from T2
I was really happy running out T2 with fresh legs which I never experienced before during any of my triathlon races :) I'm so confident that I can finish the race without walking!! For the first time, I'm overtaking so many triathletes during the run legs, I'm glad to do tat during Half Ironman race. The run legs required 2 loops of 10.5km run which we can get some cheers from others. I finished my first 10km in 1hour15min and my legs stop compromised after the 12km mark. Luckily God showed his mercy again at that moment, we had a complete cooling run under the rain, the sunblock which I applied b4 was useless. I started to feel the tiredness on my legs after the 12km run, luckily all my joints were not protesting. Up to this stage, my legs muscles still working fine, but I just need to slow down as my energy level reached very low, my tank is almost empty. I just consumed power gel during my race, not feeling eating any solid food at all even they provide banana as well. My sugar level is dropping and I just felt like drinking coca-cola. My friend's wife who is supporting us gave me a cup of Milo iced and that really help!

Drinking Milo iced to regain energy level
During the last 4km, my tank left <10% onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjLjDt2zGM5oT1K_o3mQekOjaJ2hRP5_FPckZvvk6aAGDK1UTLv30CDibKAqfh8Se6qCRPViublZ8BArvnpD8jwMq_6_GN9_K64Iuku6-r02obzrOov2KuymCi1G4E7AhgFG2Os/s1600-h/IMG_1178.jpg">

Razali, the undeniable Triathletes of Malaysia, finishing strong ahead of the rest of Malaysian
Lessons learned during the race -
1. Practice more on the running, most triathletes success because of the strong running legs!!
2. Fueling is very important for long distance race, need to practice this during the trainings.
3. Practices make perfect, keep training for a stronger next race!!!
4. Don't give up, the angel and evil is within you!! You set the goal, you achieve it!
5. Enjoy what I'm doing, don't compare too much with the rest, the result will improve after
pains and trainings
Wah, you hebat!
How long did you take to finish the whole thing?
Congrats for completing your first half ironman :)
I finished in 6H47Min, personally i think it's a good time consider the amount of time I can spare it out for training out of my daily acitivities.
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