Some good shots of the PD International Triathlon 08, July 20

"Baja Hitam", cyclist of the day!!

I was in this situation last 3 years :(

(from left) Ah Sui and Mark(from Melbourne) and me after the race :)

Mark looked like enjoying the run a lot under the hot sun!!

If you thinking twice before joining a triathlon, you should ask this uncle :)

Part of the stretching to release buttock cramp before swim, hahahaha :)

Look at the swimmer in blue swimming trunks, like going to market to buy vege, hahaha:)

OMG, others already started swimming, this guy still need a hug before swimming :)

There are 2 swimmers looked leaning backward to have a spring reaction for a faster dash towards the sea, hahaha...macam-macam :)

The gal at right looked like finishing praying before running towards the sea !!

This guys really sensitive to camera - "oi bang, tengok depan, jgn toleh ke belakang la..."
Eh, why you don't use a title for your blog posts wan?
Got ar, "Sneak Preview....." is the title ma....
You can put the title in the title bar wan... So it will appear as a "real" title above your blog posting.
Wah, you got medal ah! What position did you get?
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