My First Century Bike Ride, August 20, 2006 (Sunday)
Finally with my new bike and the courage from my Chin Woo's friends, I managed to complete my first 161.45km ride from KL -> PD -> KL. Total collapsed time : 6H30M.
We (Don, Moh and me) started from Don's house in Taman Segar, Cheras at 6.50am, met up with Carmen, Ben and Simon in front of Phoniex bus stop. It was a cloudy morning with some haze covering the sky. We passed through 4 tolls!!! Imagine how expensive to drive to PD, that's why we decided to cycle all the way to PD :)
After passing Maybank Learning Centre in Bangi, Carmen tyre puntured and got a quick change by Don. Continue to ride and within 10 mins, Moh got stung by bee on his face when we were just entering the kampung road, stop for a while, checked his face and luckily he was wearing sunglasses, else will hit in his eye.
From there, we pick up our pace and as expected, Don and Simon breakaway with Moh following behind leaving Carmen, Ben and me behind. Within 10 minutes, we found Moh and we cycle in group of four. After Sepang junction, we can start felt of rain. The rain become heavier when we are on our way up to K.Pilah hill, I was left behind by all of them by that time, cycle all the way alone until I met Ben who purposely slow down to wait for me, Thanks Ben:) The rain is so heavy until our whole body like soke in water. But I took it as god bless as the rain reduce the heat which might make me become weaker by the end of the day. We reached at one of the food court in Lukut town and have our chicken rice there while drinking 100 plus to recover. All of the people in the food court were looking at us as we were all wet when we reached there. After the meal, we cycling back to Carmen's house and by that time, my odometer already shown 85km!!

Moh saying that he was very tired when we stopped at Carmen's house, taking a nap to recover as he said!!
We cycling back in the group of five without Simon as he was cycled for more and had his own lunch. Just about 20 minutes of riding, Carmen tyre puntured again. Don told me to cycle myself (as I'm lag behind when come to hill work) and meet me at the Sepang junction. I try to pace myself from there and have a good ride until the Sepang junction. Bought a 100 plus at the Shell, Sepang junction and waited for them for about 10min and cycle with them all the way back. During the last part of the kampung road, there were around 4~5 rolling hills which caught all of us to slow down. And don't know why, I can feel the strength and power up most of hills with good speed, even Don also said that I've improved alot :)
When we reached the highway, I was again struggling back as the sun was high up in the sky and the time was around 2pm. First time I'm still cycling at this hour, under sizzling sun. When we reach the final toll, Ben left us as he was going to cycle back to his house and Don led us back to his house using the nearer but more hilly path. Once again I got the strength to pedal up all the hill until I reach Don's house. I still can remember that was the road where last month I was cramped on my way up and need to call for Lily to pick me up using her car :(
I really happy that I can overcome this hill at this time and I even ride in standing position during the first hill. Overall this cycling trip was very meaningful for me as I did it without cramp on my legs and I can finish it with good riding up the hill.
After all, I think it mainly because of the ORS that I took the night before, breakfast and during the lunch that make me cramp free. Now I know how to overcome my cramp in a long distance training or race :)
The most important thing was I cycled alone from my house to Ulu Langat on Saturday and did a slow jog for 30min before I did my century ride on Sunday :) End of the day, I'm a happy man :)